the Most Bizarre choice in all of Twilight: The Robot Baby
I finally ended up watching the full Twilight series and I can say it’s just as bad as people say it is. BUT, this wasn’t made for me, so I expected that.
What I didn’t expect was how bad of a job they did with the baby in this movie. It‘s horrible CGI with the baby’s face looking like it is somehow always at a different angle than the rest of its head. Once I finished watching I had to do some research to find out why they just wouldn’t use a real baby or at least a real fake baby.
Turns out they were trying to make a baby that had the same features as Bella and Edward. So they made a Robot Twilight Baby and it’s horrible…
On the left is the original baby they tried to make with practical effects. It says a lot that a series filled with werewolves and vampires that a baby is by far the scariest thing. So I could see why they decided to go with CGI and actually now that I see it with fresh eyes… it’s not THAT bad. Watch the video above for more terrifying footage.